TrueCrypt: virtual encrypted drives
time to speak a bit more about TrueCrypt. This piece of OpenSource software appears like one, or may be THE competitor of PGP. It does not offer the ability to encrypt files, nor does it allow email encryption, so what does it do, that PGP does too? It can create virtual encrypted drives in 2 clicks using the most sophisticated pieces of algorithm: AES 256, TwoFish, Serpent... so what's the point if PGP does it too? PGP is not free,here is the link. In other terms it means that you can use the freeware part of PGP for file encryption and manual email encryption, and get the missing features, the ones that you did not pay for, with True Crypt. There are differences in the way both programs encrypt drives, but that might not give an edge to PGP over True Crypt. I might make a comparative later in this blog.
ps: I just noticed that as a respomse to true Crypt, PGP in it's last version 9.52 added 2 more algorithms as a new option in disk encryption. It used to be restricted to AES 256 there.
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